söndag 19 september 2010


the apartment in town does suck! I wanna burn that shit to the ground!!!

lördag 24 april 2010

Postal 2 guide CANCELLED!!!

Well, I have decided to cancell the making of my postal 2 guide. That's basically because I have lost motivation to work on it. I will focus on the "Star Wars The Force Unleashed" series instead. Maybe when they are finished, I will release a Postal 2 guide. Please refer to the links on the right of this page for links of all my work.

torsdag 25 februari 2010

Awesome Adolf Hitler Mod for GTA San Andreas!

I just found an awesome mod made by Coin-god which let's you play as Adolf Hitler in GTA San Andreas! Awesome! I have made a video about the mod (love you coin-god xP)

lördag 6 februari 2010

New mod

I just released a new mod on gtagarage. It adds two new models to SA. Tommy from VC and Niko from IV.

You can spawn Niko with a Combat Shotgun if you press 'tab' + 'backspace'

You can spawn Tommy with a M4 if you press 'Ctrl' + 'Shift'

Download mod here:

tisdag 2 februari 2010

Autodesk for the win!!

I just got autodesk 3ds max 2010 today so I will probably start with skin mods/weapon/vehicle mods for GTA San Andreas. Now I can do huge conversions with a lot new textures and scripts. Wait...

Does this mean that I will stop writing FAQs? No fucking way, you dumb. Did I stop writing when I first learned scripting? no! Will I do it this time? NO!!

I'm right now working on a simple Revolver weapon mod for GTA San Andreas which shall replace the Deagle. I will probably just add it with Ryosukes weapon limit adjuster for those who have the 1.0 exe. For those who haven't, they may have to replace an existing weapon in order to use this. However the quality won't be very good since I'm still a noobie at modelling.

Well, back to business. I will write a bit on my P2 guide before I turn off my comp. Bye mothafuckas!!

Postal 2 guide in progress

The Postal 2 guide is in progress right now. I have made monday and the first errand on tuesday. The basics section is almost nearly complete! The weapons and enemies sections are yet to be done. This means, the walkthrough shall be released within the coming weeks. Let's say about 2 weeks left since I won't be able to work very much on the guide because of school. School is a fucktard really!!!

söndag 31 januari 2010

Gory pics from Postal 2!!!


Does it look like a brutal/gory game now, uh? It's funny as hell I promise you. You can download this game at piratebay if you feel for it. Anyway, do you guys want me to write for it? If so, send me an email :) I will probably start within a few days after I have had my test in school. Oh fuck, I really hate that fuckin' school. School can suck my balls! It's also worth to mention that I have updated my Timesplitters Future Perfect guide even more now. You can always find the latest version on gamefaqs.


Happy reading fellow Timesplitters fan! I hope it helps you just as much as my Postal 2 guide gonna do ;)

Was the TSFP guide worth writing for? Fuck yeah!!¨

Bye and happy slaughtering in Postal 2!!! ;) :)

Serabella want to write a guide for the SICK game Postal 2!!!

I have nothing to write for right now so maybe I will start to write a FAQ/Walkthrough/Strategy guide for Postal 2!! Yeah, that game is sick... really! You can do almost everything and it is very brutal and gory! I have only seen one guide for that game on gamefaqs;


That guide is very detailed and helpful as far as I know but I want to write my own guide for it just to show that I'm quite skilled with P2. Wanna see some screenies?

More gory screenshots will come later, I promise ;)

lördag 30 januari 2010

Serabellas first post!!!

Hi everybody!! Well, I decided to start a blog after all. This blog will be like a collection of all my stuff you can find over the internet! You can find my mods/FAQs and other stuff.

Goodbye everybody!!

http://www.gtagarage.com/users/profile.php?M=412382 ---- Serabellas mods!
